Dishonored 2 mission 7 get all runes
Dishonored 2 mission 7 get all runes

dishonored 2 mission 7 get all runes

Piecing the clues together, it’s revealed the combination is 137, but could be different for you. You can figure out the combination by reading the book next to the safe, then reading a note on the table by the refined whale oil bottle. The safe is on the third floor of the building, and there are plenty of guards to kill/sneak past/whatever you choose to do. To find the safe, you’ll have to sneak into the Overseer Outpost, a large red building accessible by going through the Bloatfly-infested house. There are two safes in the second chapter of Dishonored 2, and it can be found in Karnacka Docks. Get inside and find a painting on the wall you can remove. The lab will be the building right next to you once you exit the tower. To get to the lab, you’ll need to leave Dunwall Tower and enter the streets. There is one safe in the first chapter, which can be found in Dr. We’ve noted what some combinations that seem permanent may be, but you’ll probably want to hunt down the combinations for every one, just to be sure. Unlike in the first Dishonored, safe combinations aren’t always the same across every game. Thankfully, we know where all the combinations are hidden, so you don’t have to look as hard. As it turns out, safes are usually locked, so you’ll need to find the combination to access them all. Even the rating system at the end of the mission is made for replayable missions.Dishonored 2 features multiple huge safes, holding all sorts of collectibles and riches. And as you said, it would be really fun to go back and change your approach. All the big hubs with all the secrets, collectible, different routes just scream for you to revist with your upgraded character. No matter how you feel about how to distribute runes, it's just a plain stupid design choice to not allow mission replay in a non-open world game with levels. But it's completely besides the point I was making. that was just an example, and completely subjective. It makes so much more sense to put your runes torwards two or three powers, rather than getting them all. I mostly just replayed missions to go on a killing spree, cause it is nice to go back to the missions.īut I don't really get your point, really you're not supposed to have all the powers by the end. So if you didn't get them on the first playthough, you will miss them forever? And what's the point of having so many powers when you can't use them at all once you reached the end? It just doesn't seem to make sense with all the collectibles. Originally posted by Pricefield:are you for real? Even DH1 allowed you to replay mission even though it came with its own problems.

Dishonored 2 mission 7 get all runes